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Benefits of Lemon power on your hair | lemon hair care

Among the many things that nature has given us to benefit both our health and our beauty, few are as useful and as little known as the lemon. Yes, as you read, a fresh lemon can be a great help to solve a series of problems that may not even imagine.

Today we will see, just to start with one of the many benefits that the application that you can give to significantly improve the health and beauty of your hair.

- Lemon Conditioner : to have a high level of vitamin C will give your hair a special glow, especially in cases of very dry or damaged hair. For it takes the juice of one lemon and mix with 3 / 4 cup olive oil 1 / 2 cup honey, cover your hair with the paste obtained péinalo with a wide tooth comb, and wear a plastic cap covered with a hot towel. Let this act on your hair about 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly and wash as you usually do.

- Lemon that gives more brightness
: when washing your hair shampoo adds the juice of a lemon, this in your hand when washing. Wash your hair the way you do every day, you should leave it just a few minutes longer than normal before rinsing the shampoo.

- Lemon Dandruff
: One of the properties of the lemon is precisely to exfoliate the flakes of dandruff, for this spray directly onto your hair the juice of half a lemon. Wash your hair and then rinse with the juice of half lemon mixed in two cups of hot water. Massage gently and remove everything with warm water.

Oily hair tips | say goodbye to oily hair

Few things change so much we look like a good haircut, but it is also necessary to have your hair in top condition and above all healthy . Women are struggling with this for several reasons, some to have it too dry and others to have it very oily.

If you're the ones with the greasy hair stops looking for solutions that so far nothing I have used .Read these simple tips we have to share with you and watch you take away forever the evil look and regain the lost smoothness.

- Wash it only with lukewarm water rather cold , hot water activates the sebaceous glands and therefore produce more fats

- If you do need to use conditioner with great caution , after washing and only at the tips, never apply it on scalp

- Dry it with towel without rubbing , just wrap it and leave it for a while, the friction also stimulates fat production

- Never use waxes or set the style , they all have a high fat component.

You will see how these simple tips to radically change the look of your hair. Try them and then tell us.

Top 10 tips for healthy living

These are the 10 simple tips for healthy living.

  1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  2. A balanced feed, thus privileging the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  3. We must not skip any meals. It is very important to eat breakfast with cereals, fruits and dairy products.
  4. As far as possible we try to sleep eight hours a day.
  5. Wear comfortable clothing and fresh.
  6. Physical activity. Always a good time to start walking and biking.
  7. Use moisturizers and sunscreens with physical and chemical screen. We must not forget that we should apply sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes before sun exposure. Avoid sun exposure between 10:00 and 17:00.
  8. Protect wearing hats and sunglasses for protection.
  9. Hygiene in handling food and utensils is the main measure for prevention of infectious diseases.
  10. Having a first aid kit at your side containing thermometer, hydrogen peroxide, gauze, Leukoplast, iodofon, antihistamines, analgesics, antipyretics, bandages, antibiotic ointment, ointment for burns.